Child safeguarding statement
The Irish Ice Hockey Association recognise the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. The Irish Ice Hockey Association is committed to ensuring that safeguarding practice reflects the statutory responsibilities, Government guidance and complies with Sport Ireland requirements. Each of our clubs are committed to implementing our Code of Ethics and Good Practice, which aims to foster a culture of understanding and compliance for all and to create a child centred environment for our young players to develop and grow within sport.
The Irish Ice Hockey Association’s Child Safeguarding Statement was completed in line with Children First legislation. Click HERE to view.
The Irish Ice Hockey Association’s Child Safeguarding Statement was completed in line with Children First legislation. Click HERE to view.
Child safeguarding
The Irish Ice Hockey Association is committed to safeguarding children and by working under the guidance of our Safeguarding Policies our staff, both volunteers and employed, working with our young people, throughout the organisation, seek to create a safe environment for young people to grow and develop within sport. The following set of principles should be adhered to:
- Importance of childhood – The importance of childhood should be understood and valued by everyone involved in sport.
- Needs of the child – All children’s sport experiences should be guided by what is best for children. This means that adults should have a basic understanding of the emotional, physical and personal needs of young people.
- Integrity in relationships – Adults interacting with children in sport are in a position of trust and influence. They should always ensure that children are treated with integrity and respect, and the self-esteem of young people is enhanced.
- Fair Play – All children’s sport should be conducted in an atmosphere of fair play. The principles of fair play should always be emphasised, and organisers should give clear guidelines regarding acceptable standards of behaviour.
- Quality atmosphere & ethos – Children’s sport should be conducted in a safe, positive and encouraging atmosphere.
- Competition – Competition is an essential element of sport and should be encouraged in an age appropriate manner. A child centred ethos will help to ensure that competition and specialisation are kept in their appropriate place.
- Equality – All children should be valued and treated in an equitable and fair manner regardless of ability, age, gender, religion, social and ethnic background or political persuasion.
Safeguarding FAQ
Not sure about you or your clubs responsibility regarding safeguarding, we answered some of the most common question HERE
Safeguard training
Who is Safeguarding Training for?
All staff and volunteers should receive safeguarding training appropriate for their role. Basic face to face awareness courses or workshops are appropriate for those working in sport with regular responsibility for children and young people. Training should be updated and reviewed regularly for staff and volunteers, and in line with national guidance and changing legislation.
What this training should include:
• A basic awareness and understanding of safeguarding issues and roles within organisation/club.
• Establishing minimum standards of best practice and codes of conduct.
• Exercises to identify, respond and report concerns.
• Signposting for further information and sources of support.
Who provides Safeguarding training?
• The Local Sports Partnership network deliver safeguarding training as well as a number of National Governing Bodies of sport.
• Sport Ireland offers three different levels of safeguarding workshops, each are 3 hours long.
• Sport NI offer two different levels of safeguarding workshops, each are 3 hours long.
All staff and volunteers should receive safeguarding training appropriate for their role. Basic face to face awareness courses or workshops are appropriate for those working in sport with regular responsibility for children and young people. Training should be updated and reviewed regularly for staff and volunteers, and in line with national guidance and changing legislation.
What this training should include:
• A basic awareness and understanding of safeguarding issues and roles within organisation/club.
• Establishing minimum standards of best practice and codes of conduct.
• Exercises to identify, respond and report concerns.
• Signposting for further information and sources of support.
Who provides Safeguarding training?
• The Local Sports Partnership network deliver safeguarding training as well as a number of National Governing Bodies of sport.
• Sport Ireland offers three different levels of safeguarding workshops, each are 3 hours long.
• Sport NI offer two different levels of safeguarding workshops, each are 3 hours long.
Safeguarding policies
The Irish Ice Hockey Association overriding priority is the safety and welfare of our young players and vulnerable adults. We are committed to ensuring that each player can participate to the best of the ability in a safe environment that is free from intimidation and bullying, taking the necessary steps to protect our players from any form of harm, discrimination and abuse, respecting their rights at all times.
The Irish Ice Hockey Association acknowledges our duty of care, to protect all our young players and vulnerable adults, safeguarding their welfare, regardless of age, gender, sexual identity, disability and racial origin.
Our Policies and Procedures are to be implemented to ensure that our young players welfare is maintained to a high standard whilst participating within our sport.
Full list of policies can be found HERE
The Irish Ice Hockey Association acknowledges our duty of care, to protect all our young players and vulnerable adults, safeguarding their welfare, regardless of age, gender, sexual identity, disability and racial origin.
Our Policies and Procedures are to be implemented to ensure that our young players welfare is maintained to a high standard whilst participating within our sport.
Full list of policies can be found HERE